Breakthrough Session

Breakthrough Sessions are a game-changer. 

If you feel like something is holding you back but you just don’t know what it is, this could be a great option for you.

Self-sabotage, procrastination, avoidance, or goals that are unattainably big or entirely too small - all of it generally comes from unconscious beliefs and patterns that are keeping you stuck in the past.

In a Breakthrough Session, we'll take one area of your life and use NLP, Hypnotherapy, and Mental and Emotional Release® to remove the emotional baggage and limiting beliefs that are holding you back. 


Here's how a Breakthrough Session works

There are four requisites for change:

  1. Release what's holding you back (this is the main focus of a breakthrough session)

  2. Set a compelling vision for the future

  3. Take action

  4. Stay focused on what you want

In your Breakthrough Session, we'll explore one area of your life (career, family, relationships, personal growth & development, health & fitness, or spirituality). We'll comb through it (~3-4 hours) to find all the baggage holding you back in that area - negative emotional baggage, limiting beliefs, etc. You'll be surprised to see the connections and insights you have here.


After that, it's time for release work - usually on day two of the Breakthrough Session. We'll use some powerful techniques from Neurolinguistic Programming to let go of the charge around negative emotions and to let go of your limiting beliefs (the stuff that's been holding you back). We'll look at your values in that area of life to be sure they're aligned with you, your purpose and your goals as well. 


At this stage - you'll probably feel huge relief. You'll likely feel lighter. Can breathe easier. You might feel tired or energized - depends a lot on the energy we release through our work together. It'll take a week or two for the changes to integrate. 


All of that is the "release baggage" part of the four requisites for change. Now I'll give you follow-up work to guide you in setting a vision for who you want to BE in 5-10 years. That guides you in defining a North Star and SMART goals that are directly in line with the person you mean to become. With the release work we've done, you might find yourself dreaming bigger than you've been able to in the past. That's good! And your new goals will probably be more aligned and congruent than you've experienced in the past - meaning you won't be fighting between conscious and unconscious desires.


In our subsequent coaching sessions (once your goals are solid), we'll keep our attention on tapping into your own inner wisdom, taking action and staying focused on your goals. Obstacles are a natural part of change. They WILL come up. Coaching can help you see them for what they are - indicators that you're on the right path. 


Who will you be, unleashed?  

Easy signup: 

  1. Schedule a call to see if it’s a fit

  2. Sign, Pay, and Schedule

  3. Feel what it's like to be truly aligned in your actions and intention


Who would you be if you took off the chains?

Let's find out what you're really capable of. Let's give the fullest you to the world.


Don't stay stuck.

You were born for something big. 

What is it? 


A thriving business? A better family life? A body you feel great in? 


There's something big in you. You just know it. You know you're brimming with potential.


But there's something holding you back. 


You can't quite tell what. You'll take a step toward it and a step or two back. Self-sabotage, procrastination, uncertainty. It's like you're tied to an anchor. 


You feel stuck and frustrated. Afraid that maybe you don't have what it takes after all. 


I have good news...


You were born for more than this. The calling to more means you're capable of more. You owe it to the world to live to your fullest potential. You owe it to your self to overcome this.


I get it. I've been there. I know the frustration of stuckness. 


My own search for an answer led me on a journey to understand. When I experienced a breakthrough session of my own, I experienced the power of being unleashed. For the first time feeling like the anchor was gone.


I wasn't "done." I'll never be done learning, growing, releasing. Neither will you.

But my breakthrough session helped me in a way that's hard to describe. I immediately felt lighter. Freer. I felt less reactive when obstacles got in my way. More biased toward action. I felt less swayed by fear and frustration. Things started to happen to help me in my goals that I couldn't even explain. It was like the universe was on my side. I was in flow. I was on a mission and felt more aligned than I'd ever felt.


I want to help you to experience the same freedom.