
Dan Oliver

I admire people who are willing to risk the unknown in the hopes of something better. And business owners embody that every day.

Having grown up around small businesses, and owning and operating my own tree service company, I know the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur. Through this personal and professional experience, I’ve developed a deep interest in design thinking—particularly around customer experience (CX) and service design — and in leveraging CX investments to generate leads. This background—coupled with my genuine curiosity about my clients and their businesses—allows me to put myself in my client’s shoes, to understand situations from their point of view, and to partner in designing unique strategies that will support each client on their journey to building the business that they’ve always envisioned.

Let’s meet!

Clients in 7 countries on 5 continents

I’m based in Bend, Oregon and work remotely with clients internationally

Clients in 30+ different industries

Consultancies, service businesses, online retailers, software, brick and mortar - I’ve worked with clients across most industries

Clients range from $100,000 to $12MM Annual Revenue

From micro to small to medium businesses - I can meet you where you are to develop a business that works.

My Certifications:

✅ Certified Deep Transformational Coach

Dan Oliver Certified Deep Transformational Coach Logo

✅ Master-Practitioner of NLP, Hypnotherapy and Mental and Emotional Release®

Working with Dan

One of my core values is levity. Playfulness and humor - used with care - can soften the edges in difficult moments. I believe a little laughter can clear the way for a lot of depth. In our sessions you may laugh or cry or do a little of each.

It’s all welcome. Come exactly as you are.

And I honor the space that’s created when I come together with my clients. It’s a powerful space for transformation.

I hold a safe, compassionate, empathetic and playful space for you to search inside yourself for answers you didn’t know you had to questions you might not have thought to ask.



  • After working as internal EMyth coach for the better part of two years, in 2022 I moved to the external coaching network. This allows me to serve my clients more flexibly - delivering EMyth to those who are a great fit, pure business coaching for those who aren’t ready for the full program, and leaning on other coaching methodologies and techniques when it’s needed.

    I’m no longer an EMyth Affiliated coach, but still coach from a holistic business coaching approach.

    Wherever you are in business, I can help. Let’s talk.

  • From the Center for Transformational Coaching

    Huge change often requires or creates a shift at the being level. When we make changes that big there are growing pains (and gains). This powerful methodology (which I call on when needed) slows things down to create a space to help you access your deepest truths and longings and to experience powerful letting go (or letting come) of all that you are not. it’s about stripping away the layers of ego to become who you’ve always been at your core.

  • As a Certified Master Practitioner through Association for Integrative Psychology (AIP) I have a powerful toolset for working with the unconscious mind to help you achieve the results you’re after.

    If you’ve ever felt like your actions don’t align with your goals, or you’re getting in your own way - this can be hugely helpful.

  • As a Certified Master Practitioner of Mental and Emotional Release® (MER) through Association for Integrative Psychology (AIP) I can help you affect deep change to remove baggage around negative emotions and limiting beliefs.

  • Using Human-Centered Service Design techniques to research, ideate, design and prototype service innovations that thrill customers.
    I can help you and your customers find better ways of doing business.

  • I can coach you to redesign and quantify your customer experience efforts - ensuring that you create raving fans, repeat business and referrals.


  • It depends on what youLet’s jump on a free intro call to discuss your goals and needs.’re after and how/how long we’ll work together.

    Coaching is an investment in yourself.

    Let’s jump on a free intro call to discuss your goals and needs. Once I have a better sense of what you’re trying to achieve, I’ll be able to discuss the investment of money and time that will help you achieve the results you’re after.

  • I can help! This is a great place to start.
    It could be that you’re so stuck in your baggage and limiting beliefs you can’t dream big. Maybe you’re just stuck - you know there’s something bigger but don’t know what or how to go after it.
    Let’s jump on a free Discovery Call where I can learn a little more about you and help you get a glimpse of what’s possible for you and how I might be able to help.

  • Yes! I live in Bend, Oregon but I primarily work over Zoom with clients all over the world. We’ll just need to find a good mutual meeting time across our timezones.

    I’ve worked with clients in 7 countries and 5 continents!

  • I work with small business owners across just about any industry you can think of. My typical clients’ businesses are between $200k and $12MM per year in revenue.

    I’ve worked with consultancies, service businesses, product businesses (online and brick and mortar) and software companies.

  • Let’s jump on a free Discovery Call so we can meet and check for mutual fit. I’d also like to learn about your goals and what’s getting in the way.

    Assuming we’re a fit, I’ll let you know what you can expect in terms of time and money investment. (No pressure - not my style)

    If all sounds good, I’ll send over an agreement and we’ll put something on the calendar!

I can help you…

Break through your Barriers

Breakthrough Sessions are a game-changer.

If you feel like something is holding you back from success, this is the breakthrough you’re looking for.

I know because I’ve experienced it myself. And I’ve seen the massive shifts in others.

Pick an area of life where you’re feeling stuck, we’ll identify your baggage in that area - the limiting beliefs, negative emotional baggage, incongruencies in your values - and we’ll use powerful processes to clean it all up (NLP, Hypnosis, MER®).

This can be a life-changing program. Are you ready to soar?

Take back (or start) your Business

Get ready to transform the way you think about and do business.

I can help you develop a business that serves your life. Too often our businesses take over and we lose the purpose and passion we started them with. They begin as our big leap and can become our prisons.

As a Business Coach, I’ve spent many hundreds of hours helping business owners (just like you) create businesses that worked. I’ve worked with businesses of almost every type with annual revenue ranging from $100k to $12Mil.

Consulting and Copywriting

Other ways I can help you take back control of your business.

Ways I can help:

  • Creating Voice of the Customer Programs to gather game-changing customer insights at pivotal moments across your customer journey

  • Designing automated email campaigns - whether you need to nurture leads, onboard new clients or automate testimonial gathering post-service, I can help you define results you’re after and create email automation to help you take your business to the next level

  • Copywriting - from web to email copy, I can help you reach your customers authentically, on-brand in a way that reaches drives results

  • Leading workshops and design sprints to better understand and/or improve your customer experience to increase customer retention and drive referrals

  • Service blueprinting and journey mapping to help understand the customer/service interface

  • Software systems design - whatever the result you’re looking for, I’m great at designing and integrating software solutions that support you and your team in doing your best work. Whether it’s a new CRM or a project management workflow